Exito en el Norte
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Cal Poly - Connect Academy
Closing the achievement gap for ESL students.
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3 DVD series in English & Spanish

Video Test

Video Test consists of twenty Yes-No questions. After each question is presented,the parents /guardians are asked to mark their answer in the Family Questionnaire, the Parent Brochure provided. Scoring is done at the end of the video with Yes answers receiving varied numbers of points. The total score will give the parents /guardians an immediate assessment of the risk low(moderate or high), in their family. The results will alert the parents /guardians to the degree of risk that children in their family could become involved in tobacco, alcohol and /or other drug use. Suggestions are made for further action based on the outcome of the scoring. The value of the program is achieved when the parents /guardians view the video and decide on their own what course of action they may wish to take.



Parenting principles

Parenting principles provides families with solution oriented actions they can take to reduce the risk of their children engaging in destructive behavior of the kind of or another. Five episodes dealing with common family situations are presented in the video. Each relates to one or more of the following five basic principles of teaching family values. What you do is often more important than what you say. Teach your child to manage appropriate responsibilities. Use teachable moments to communicate clear message to your children. Never assume that your child immune to problems with alcohol and other drugs. Trust your instincts. This video stresses the fact that parents /guardians have a great deal of influence on the formation of their children's values and attitudes towards tobacco,alcohol and other drugs. By viewing this video, the parents /guardians will recognize that they respond to everyday situations sends lasting message to their children .



Practical Prevention

Practical Prevention provides families with some necessary tools and inspiration to do everything they can to prevent their children from becoming alienated and disconnected from their family. The preventing measure stressed in this video is the family meeting. Most families do not hold formal meeting and would most likely have a difficult time knowing where to begin. This video gives concrete suggestions that will assist the family in establishing regular, meaningful, family meetings. It emphasizes the importance of families taking an active role in

