Exito en el Norte
Our partner program provides an educational Spanish language video series created specifically for Latino immigrants.
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Cal Poly - Connect Academy
Closing the achievement gap for ESL students.
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Exito En El Norte

Exito En El Norte is an educational, Spanish DVD series created by the non-profit Experience Education, in collaboration with the Southwest Iowa Latino Resource Center and Iowa State University Extension.

ÉXITO helps both new and established Spanish-speaking residents meet the challenges of daily life in the U.S., providing critical life skills information and tools, and promoting community involvement, self-sufficiency and overall contribution to local communities across the U.S.

Cal Poly - Connect Academy

There are many exciting technology-driven advancements occurring in the classroom setting. Blended learning, flipped classrooms, and linked learning are examples of educational innovations that are rooted in schools. Though promising, these new models must overcome institutional resistance and gain acceptance amongst state and district policy makers, school administrators and classroom teachers. They must also be accommodated in state and school budgets for instructional materials.

The Connect Academy takes a different, though complimentary approach. The Connect Academy is a tablet-based portal designed to foster and stimulate a learning environment between a child and a parent in the home setting. The Connect Academy will work in the particularly challenging space of English Learning households where Spanish-language parents struggle to help their children be competitive in English-language classrooms.