Exito en el Norte
Our partner program provides an educational Spanish language video series created specifically for Latino immigrants.
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Cal Poly - Connect Academy
Closing the achievement gap for ESL students.
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Sound Foundations

Provides essential information that leads to appropriate activities that stimulate growth and development from birth through five years of age.

Prevention of Violence

Relevant, research-based information is presented by experts in the field to help parents recognize what violence in the family looks like and how to cope with it. As a means to prevent violence, this information is most helpful for families with children from the age of six to eight years.

Prevention of Alcohol & Other Drugs

Relevant, research-based information is presented by experts in the field to help parents recognize behaviors by their children and themselves that may lead to use of alcohol and other drugs. Interactive activity is required during the viewing to personalize the information. These activities are most helpful for families with children from the age of nine to eleven years.

Common Sense Parenting

The goal of the program is to develop or enhance parenting skills that encourage positive behavior, discourage negative behavior, and teach alternatives to problem behavior in children. These techniques were developed by Boys Town in Omaha, Nebraska and have been a vital part of Experience Education's programs for many years. These DVDs are most helpful in the "Family For Life" program for families with children from the age of eleven to fourteen years.